Saturday, December 08, 2007

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Curtis' "new" ministry.....

Curtis has a new hobby. It's much worse than the last hobby. Sorry mom Roundy this tank is right next to the kitchen table. Hopefully it won't spoil dinner the next time you come for a visit. I know how much you loved the other tanks we had. Just kidding =) If you listen closely you can hear Renee practicing her cello. She has a concert on Thursday. Hopefully I'll get something from that to post also.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

12 days old.....

Anaya is now 12 days old. My life has been a blur. Mostly because I'm rubbing my eyes due to lack of sleep. But all is well in the Roundy house. Anaya likes to sleep all day and stay up at night. Funny since she was born on Halloween..... She is beautiful and we all love her. The kids are doing well. I caught Justin sitting in the rocker with her a couple days ago.

Today was her first outing. Justin's school band played a song at the Veteran's Day celebration. Anaya wore an outfit Pippy got her. She was adorable and all the ladies had fun watching Curtis take care of her....The blanket was knitted by Britnee Ward. Thanks Britnee!!!

The video isn't all that great but Justin is the 3rd in from the left.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Name change: anaya grace

Anaya joy

Monday, October 29, 2007

Winds of Change

Well, here we are again at a crossroads. I guess that I'll never be able to experience what it would be like to bring a baby home at a time when things were not in chaos. I guess what is , is.

Today marks another day of testing for the birthmom. An ultrasound and Non-stress test will be done hopefully all this morning. If all goes well today than they will induce on Thursday if she doesn't go into labor before that day. I think I'm ready but also a bit nervous.

Life continues, business as usual: clarinet lessons, cello lessons, possible basketball for Renee, did I mention Renee is part of the gifted and talented class at school. Renee likes to be very busy, she didn't get that from my side of the family........Justin's starting a discussion group at school for topics relevant for teen's today, the purpose is to bring it around to relationship with God. GO JUSTIN!!!

That's all for my ramblings.....

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Baby room

well it's not much but I think we're ready. It's more than my other kids ever had, and I'm not sure I was able to fit a rocker in their rooms. We have a little blue, a little purple, and a lot of brown.....

Baby room

Monday, October 22, 2007

The Roundy Baby

Well here he/she is....... God has met us in so many ways during this process. We are just praying that everything goes smoothly both for the birthmom, hospital, adoption proceedings etc.....

10 days or sooner...

Well, if we don't have a baby by the 1st, I guess it will be next Thursday. (Nov 1st) Here are my name choices so far:
Girls' Names:- Kyria- Lily - Anaya - Sophie
Boys' Names:- Josiah, Elijah,
Unisex Names:- Aliah- Ariel- Jaden- Jadon
Right now we need prayer for health of the baby. There may be an issue with a kidney, something about a dialated kidney and get a sonogram after the baby is a week old. This week there will be another sonogram and non-stress test to make sure it's okay to stay inside another week.
I'm going to try and post from my phone tonight. Maybe the sonogram pictures... Hopefully I can figure it out so I can send a picture over the blog as soon as the new Roundy meets the world.....
I'm up for cool Bible names if anyone wants to put their two cents in, just no hurt feelings please.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

The countdown begins!!!

Well, I guess we are three centimeters. I know, that could mean days, but given previous history I don't think so.... I'm cramming 9 months of thinking about this into a month and my head is spinning. I'm not ready yet but hopefully by tomorrow evening I will be. Barbara's birthday is tomorrow but we can't celebrate until Saturday, we are going to a concert tomorrow night, party on Saturday, and then the baby can come. Still getting input for boy names. Crazy days ahead. I've been sewing baby diapers, I'm still going off my green theme. In honor of my recycle, reuse policy I only had to buy a little extra material. Mostly just to be cute. I've made 6 diapers so far out things from goodwill, my own sewing bag , cupboards, and old receiving blankets. They are kinda cute. Maybe I'll post a picture sometime. Well, that it's for now. I'm going to start waking myself up again in the middle of the night so I can get conditioned. =) Good night!

Monday, October 01, 2007


HI all,
I'm posting this information so you can pray for us. Our family is in the process of adopting a baby. This baby is due Nov. 3rd. We have a lot to do to prepare for this and yes, money is involved. Can you all please pray for us during this time.
1. Healthy baby!!!!
2. That it wouldn't be early
3. For the health of the mom, healthy weight gain for her and baby
4. We need health insurance, I'm trying through the state but haven't heard back yet. I need this to bring the baby home!

Thanks so much for your prayers.

Would you like to get in on the name picking?? I like Anaya for a girl. It's a Hebrew name that means God remembered. (I prayed for a few years that we would be able to adopt a baby) I have nothing for a boy.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Dragon's Descent

Dragons Descent

Here is a picture
of the worse
amusement park ride
I've been on in a while.
It was great the first time
a little sickening
the second.
But, still fun.....

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

reid state park with the kids

I took the kids to the ocean the other day
and thought you'd enjoy the pictures and
video clip. Barbara wanted to pose in her
suit so I'm hoping she's not looking for a
career in bathing suit modeling.
Right now Barbara is at a nature day camp.
(courtesy a grant from a rich person...)
and Renee will go to Maine Fiddle camp
next week.
Enjoy the pictures....

Monday, June 04, 2007

Renee and Barbara at the Farwell Variety Show

Renee sang a song from Annie. "The Sun Will Come Out Tomorrow" For those of you who would like to hear them sing you can view the videos below.

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
Barbara sang "Dumb Dog" and they both sang "Sandy"
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Renee singing "The Sun Will Come Out Tomorrow"

Renee and Barbara singing Dumb Dog and Sandy

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Ain't I Pretty

It's a communist plot.

I'm taking over.

Don't worry, no

one else is......

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Maine in April

Whatever happened to snow on

This is our second snowstorm in April
and we have the possibility of another on Monday.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Monday, March 19, 2007

Justin's art

Can you see the resemblance?
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Thursday, March 15, 2007

Wednesday, March 14, 2007


Do you know what a contradance is? I didn't know until tonight. Renee and the beginner strings played 2 songs at it. It was a blast. If you ever get a chance to go to one I recommend you put aside any aversion you may have to dancing and go for it. Justin even danced with Barbara.

Monday, March 05, 2007

Another snow storm

We had another snowstorm on Friday.
The kids had another day off from school. Saturday was a good day to play and play they did. Justin built a fort. Renee a snowman, and Barbara just played with the dogs.
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Tuesday, February 20, 2007

What have we been up to...

Here is Renee participating in her first recital She played both the piano and the cello. She is sitting next to my cousin Spring who happens to be the teacher. Spring doesn't teach her cello but she thought it would be nice for the other students to hear some different instruments.
Justin is learning the clarinet. He has
had 2 lessons so far. Also taught by
Spring. Hopefully he'll be ready for
high school band next year.

We had our first major snowstorm on Valentines Day. We didn't even start getting truly cold weather until the end of January. (just in time for Curtis' outside job building a garage) Now the weather is sooooo cold. We haven't had this much extended cold weather in while. It's supposed to get in the 30's this week and that almost feels warm! Curtis has been trying to teach Justin how to use the snowblower. I'm not so sure if that's working out for us or not......
If you look hard you can see the snow shooting off to the right. This picture was taken inside the house from my living room window.

Saturday, January 13, 2007

our fish tank

After four years in storage our fish tank has been set up.
We are using African fish this time.
Hopefully they will all be here in the mornin'
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Monday, January 01, 2007

Curtis as a Sumo wrestler

We had our New Year's Eve Party last night. One of the games we used was Sumo Wrestling.
Here you can see Curtis and one of the teens
trying to "bounce" each other out of the ring.
I think I like the skinnier version of Curtis better..... (and what's the deal with those "underpants"....?)