Friday, November 12, 2010

So close.......

We are so close I can almost picture the kids yelling over the stair case half wall....."Mom, we're out of toilet paper!" I wish we were fighting in there right now.  We are on the home stretch and sometimes I feel myself getting ahead, like when I picked out paint for the girls room.  Granted, you all need to understand it will be the pseudo girls room just until we get the real rooms done on the 3rd floor.

So, things are not as we expected.  They rarely are.  The move in time came and went,  school officially started and now Justin is looking at colleges. Crazy! We are living with the Tripps.  The plumber once again was a no show.  Curtis built a wall by the stairs two nights ago.  The bathroom is almost put together.  And I really want to sand and paint those old wood floors.

But, I have a beautiful family, and in this picture plus one because Barbara had a friend visit.

Thursday, November 04, 2010


Well, since this happens to mostly be my blog, I'll vent....

I'm feeling a huge amount of desperation.  It doesn't help that it's raining outside.  Yesterday Curt informed me that even if he could he doesn't have the time right now to do the things he needs to on the house.  What does that mean.  What happened to my "problem solving" husband.  Our need feels so great and our resources so low mentally, physically... you get the picture, the only hope that we have is in Jesus.   So I am not sure what all this means for our family, and I can say with some amount of confidence - I don't have any.

I think that getting the boot from our apartment was the final straw in what was left of my dignity.  It's hard depending on others to help, and equally as hard depending on God to take care of my physical needs.  I am however hopeful that at the end of all this I will be okay, and so will my family.

The reality is, we are so close to getting the things done we need to in the house.  It doesn't seem so overwhelming on paper, but the physical and financial demands are another story.   It's like Pap's old saying "Talk is cheap it, takes money to buy whiskey" and boy wouldn't I like some of that right now!

Please continue to pray for us and the Tripp's as we have totally invaded their lives. I hope we can be somewhat of a blessing to them as they are being to us right now.