My heart is full of emotion for my street, the people, there lives... These very people that drive me mad on a daily basis and they don't even know my name. I am stuck here most days. Curtis gets to go to work. He is much better with people than I. He tends to have more grace and mercy for those that probably get little.

For over a week we had this truck sitting right in front of our house. You know, the road is not off limits for whomever wants to park.... Anyways, this truck was filled with trash, stuff that actually looked like it may have come from our old house. You can see the front of this truck in this picture. I was so frustrated about this stupid truck. Monday night the guy came late like 11pm, and drove off. I was so excited but that was short lived as he returned less than 5 minutes later. Parked and drove off with his girlfriend. Hellooooo! People live here, with kids, and groceries, and garbage, (thank-you very much they didn't pick it up cuz they couldn't see it past your stupid truck) and a front door that works with a back door that is on it's last leg. You get the picture. So what do you do... You embrace it. You take a picture, document your feelings and let your kids play in the mud.
He came back on Thursday started the truck and then took the keys back out and left. I was getting beyond grumpy. Finally, later, after a week and a half of looking at that horrible truck.....he left!
Today in this very same parking lot an angry man came driving through with his truck, making sure to kick up as much dirt and mud as possible while making his statement. I was about to make my statement to him. You see I had my kids outside as did many other parents this evening. I was getting ready to go see Renee perform in a play she was in and was getting the littles in the car. I was quite irritated at him for being so reckless as I was leaving I stopped at the stop sign and looked out my window only to notice him hugging his little boy tightly while the boys mom looked on waiting for him to be handed over. (as did many of mom's neighbors who were waiting in the street -watching)I now understood his frustration. The brokenness around here is incredible. What about that family who cares for them. Who will be there for the little boy, for the mom, and yes, the dad too. We are definitely hands and feet around here. Now, I understand that this is just my take on it.
Let's end on a happy note and pretend no bad things happen around here. Kiki is so cute!
Now it's time for me to check the locks and go to bed. I won't pretend for too long that bad things don't happen around here.