Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Been trying to post

I have been trying to post something spiritual and inspiring but all I can seem to conjure up is some exhortation to the church as a whole.  So I guess this where it is good to know what my gifts are and be thankful that exhortation, pastoring, showing mercy, and intercession are a wonderful group of gifts to have together.  So still praying for the right words and hopefully they will come soon.  Hopefully I will not verbally vomit.

But in the meanwhile......kids are doing great.  The little's are truly terrifying me everyday. Justin is simply astounding me with the man he is becoming.  (still praying he gets through college unscathed)  Renee is doing awesome and showing that she is on top of her game at school and with her friends. Barbara as well,  she is taking advanced math (pre algebra) and spanish this year.  She is in 7th grade.  She is proving to have a lot of spiritual depth that we don't to often notice because of her quiet disposition.

The house.  Working on it. Curtis is trying to get the basement winterized, a chimney in and another heat source for winter.  Thanking God that some kind souls gave us a little monetary help so we can get the project started now. (it was started last weekend)  The gas company came and hooked up a line and now we will be getting another guy over to hook it up inside in a couple weeks.

The holidays.  Looks like Justin will be bringing some people home for Thanksgiving.  They want to serve a meal somewhere downtown Lewiston for Thanksgiving.