My day started off well. I did wake up with a migraine but it was getting better. I had my cup of coffee, load of wash in the machine, kids semi-happy, no one bleeding, pretty good start to the day. I realized I didn't give Curtis back his debit card this morning so I called to warn him to stop at the bank if he needed cash today. As I was sitting on our front steps I noticed a young man leaving the apartment next door. You get the idea. They partied a lot last night. You know you're average respectful young person.

As I was talking to Curtis he glanced my direction, climbed into his Ford Focus with Alabama plates and proceeded to blast his music so loudly that I couldn't hear anymore. He was about 20 yards away. As he started to move down the street he stopped in front of my house and so graciously opened his door making my ability to hear even worse...(no joke it was that loud), and proceeded to throw away McDonald's trash in my empty trash can. For those of you who don't live in an urban area....my trash had already been picked up, my can was now empty waiting for me to fill it myself. His had not been taken yet. His building had a pile in front waiting for the landlord's trash people. So, I did what every self respecting Christian woman does who wants to make a difference in her neighborhood. I yelled at him. And then took his trash and dumped it on his pile all while my blood pressure went up and I started to get shaky. Yep, today I failed.
I told this story to Renee and what a great kid she is...her comment to me was "Well, at least he threw it in a trash can." I love that kid, Renee!
Anyways, we got a crazy couple of weeks ahead of us. Justin goes back to school, boohooo! and two days later Renee and Barbara go back to school, and somewhere in between that Bob and Joyce Roundy come for a little visit, I start babysitting Elizabeth again, and lots of school prep to get done. Never a dull moment.
Pray for us as we are still working on the house.
Curtis fell off the ladder last night and if that wasn't bad enough he did it again at work today. Lots still to be done to get the back of the house insulated and sided for winter.
Also pray for us as we are still seeking God for what direction he wants us to move, we are getting to know our neighbors but it is slow moving. We really need a heavenly breakthrough, it would be so encouraging.
My garden is going well. I am having lots of fun playing in it. This week we ate cuke and tomato sandwiches, and we had some sauteed kale with dinner last night. I have/had tomatoes, kale, cukes, spagetti squash, watermelons, carrots, beets, swiss chard, lettuce, peas, herbs, onions, and brussell sprouts.
Thanks for your prayers.
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