Last October after much discussion with the family of taking in homeless youth we attended a conference on "Experiencing God" with Henry Blackaby. This was not anything new to us. We had done this in the past a few times but this time wanted to include the family and some neighbors. The Monday after the conference I got a call from a friend in social services and DHS was looking to place a 14 yr. old boy in our home. It was an "emergency" situation. When they say they give you all the's not full disclosure, it's more like on a need to know basis. He stayed with us for one month, and it was not easy. On the final day I called two of my friends for moral support and advice and instead got the opposite. Our friendships have not felt the same since.

The heartbreak that we have felt twice in one year has been overwhelming to me. That I could invest so much time and energy into something. Pray so hard. See God answer in so many profound ways and to meet us in such crazy circumstances only to feel like it was all for nothing. I know that we sow the seeds and God gives the increase. I Cor. 3:7 I like the way it's worded in the NLT " It's not important who does the planting, or who does the watering. What's important is that God makes the seed grow" So, I guess I am not important in this equation. That maybe God is reserving the watering process for a different time. Some seeds take a long time to germinate and others pop right out of the ground and look like the plant they are going to become in a short amount of time. Unfortunately, some seeds never do anything, but it still took the same amount of effort to plant them all.
What now? I hope that God gives us a time of healing as a family before the next assignment and I am sure there will be a next assignment. I am praying that God would deliver to us some emotional support in the form of likeminded friends. We are attending a church in Mechanic Falls at the moment. It's a bit of a drive but the church fits our family.
Please pray for healing for our family and healing for the young mom (Raven).
Random happenings in the neighborhood
Christmas cookie making with the neighbors
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