We finally got some money in our checking account today and I was able to buy some fun stuff at Family Dollar. You know, things like dish soap, a curtain rod for Justin's room/laundry room/ wanna be study room, a bag of cheetos and some chocolate covered almonds (Kiana and I were a little hungry. Guess who chose the Cheetos, it wasn't Kiana!) As we were shopping at Family Dollar I heard a familiar voice and started ducking down aisles. I know you've done it before, that moment when you are deciding to face a person head on or go the opposite way. I've darted away many times myself, I've also been the subject of the quick getaway. I decided to face it head on and hope it was going to last too long. So I said it...."Hi K..." She is the bio mom who had 5 children and raised one of them - the youngest. Her kids are ages 15 - 28. The 15 year old has a baby girl and rumor has it #2 is on the way. The 28 yr. old is my friend and the oldest child who would have been 30 died last summer.
I had a quick conversation with "K" and it ended much the same way as my many conversations have ended with her as of late......"Well, my husband will be here in 28 days and then well.....He's Muslim you know" "Yes, you told me that. Did you convert?", I ask. "Yeah, I converted to Muslim, I have my head covering and I got all them dresses." I happen to know the head covering today was just to cover the fact she didn't do her hair. She was wearing jeans. Two days ago I saw her wearing her curly hair and crazy print leggings. And last week she was wearing her straight hair.... And, don't you convert to Islam not Muslim? Anyways, I divert. We do have interesting neighbors.
Later I was thinking about our conversations. Jesus spoke to the woman at the well rather directly and it almost reads harsh. He didn't sugar coat his words, or play to her game. He told her what was going on and she respected that, not only respected but liked it. She told her neighbors. I was thinking what if I would have said "Your husband isn't coming in 28 days, you've been telling me that for the last 150 days. As a matter of fact, you don't have a husband. You know, Jesus wants you to come just like you are?"
Jesus wants all of us to come like we are but he loves us to much to let us stay that way. That's a message my daughter heard at summer camp. I like it. Why are we so scared to tell people the truth. We are happy when they come like they are but we shake in our boots when it comes to the hard work of helping someone move forward in their walk with Jesus. Speaking the truth just doesn't make people feel warm and fuzzy.
The reality is we were all the woman at the well at some point. Some of us have gone on to tell our neighbors and some of us are still stuck at the well thinking about it.
"K" professed to be a believer a while back. But I think she is still stuck at the well. Paralyzed to move forward. To own her sins, her behaviors, her addictions. The truth is, if I was her, I'm not sure I would be brave enough to face my "real" life. Pray for "K" and her family that is broken and trying to heal, grow, and make better choices.
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