He also removed the existing door, which you really can't see from the picture. We'll be putting a door on the back porch where you can see a window half covered with debris. This will be our main entrance into the house.
Here is the inside of the kitchen. We'll be insulating as there really wasn't any and sheetrocking. Curtis is going to make open base cabinet boxes with no doors for now. Cheap and it will get the job done. Someone is helping us out with a countertop- so we'll see if that really works out or not. I am a bit skeptical these days. In the bottom pic you can kinda tell from the new studs on the left wall where the door was.
It may look like we haven't done much beside demo but if you look closely you will see lights! And then come one when you flick a switch! Doesn't seem like much of an accomplishment until you realize rewiring was like solvng a Sudoko puzzle.
So, this week has been very interesting. We had someone add a Mary to our shrine and within a couple days both Mary and Jesus disappeared so we are left with just the crucifix candle holder.
There is a little boy that pretty much drives us nuts. He is always getting into our vehicles and touching everything and everyone. When you ask him not to he looks at you and does it again with a smile. For those of you that know Curtis you can imagine how he reacts. We'll just leave it at that! I have to say, the little boy is being much more respectful and comes around with his big brother who also seems to be a nice kid. They like to hang out and watch Curtis work.
We still need tons of prayer, we have a long way to go on the house and Curtis is pretty much doing alone these days. Sometimes my dad can help and that's nice. He's also working and I can't imagine how tired he must get.
The three older kids have been gone to camp and I unfortunately allowed one of Justin's bearded dragons to kick the bucket. It made me sad.
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