However, yesterday, I heard the whisper-stream, it was audible. It sounded horrific........ Around the corner the police removing a man from his home. I think, I can't be sure as I stayed away. There were 4 cars and I am not sure how many cops. The noise during the afternoon went something like this, crash, yell, bang, crash, hate, thud (stuff flying over the porch). Sirens. Kids laughing in the parking lot, riding bikes, playing, running. People talking as they walked pass to go the grocery store. Dinner being made. Screaming couple, fighing over who knows what..... Oh, no the baby! (this is when I really got the whisper - stream, or should I say whisper scream.) If you are a parent you know this sound, the sound of your heart sinking to your stomach that has now flipped to some ungodly postition in your body. The sound of instant despair that you know this is not good. The sound of a little kid's head hitting a fire escape. Quiet. Sirens.
Yesterday, I heard the whisper-stream for the first time. This is what I heard. Groaning, utterings. Oh God, there has to more than this to life. Oh God, where are you? Come rescue me. Oh God, could you possibly love me?! What is wrong with me. Help. I heard this. This was the sound on my street.
We need intercessors, we need prophets, we need workers, we need friends. God is here right now. We need to show them. That was the whisper-stream at my house yesterday.
The little boy is fine, and I was able to give them some burgers for supper. I still don't know their names.
What is the whisper-stream on your street saying. And what is God telling you about it. Listen.
Whisper-stream is one of my favorite Andrew Vachss terms -- love your using it! It's so evocative; when I first read it in one of his earlier novels I thought it was just perfect.
God is watching over all of us - you as listener, the kids playing, the man being arrested, the couple fighting, even, or, most especially, the baby hitting head on fire escape -
god is pouring His love into the cities and fields and highways, His eyes are on the sparrow even as He observes a poor choice made by one of us right this second -
2 Chronicles 16:9a
9 For the eyes of the LORD range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him.
Praying for all humanity <3
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