Friday, September 03, 2010

Nightmare on Shawmut Str.

Well, the kids started school on Monday.  Tuesday Justin started his college Physics class in Augusta.  That will be a 6 - 7 hour class for him.  Took the girls to Kohl's to find a few "personal" items.  (thanks to a very welcome gift card)  Tuesday, Barbara took the dogs out in the morning to be greeted by a man that said he was going to kill Jack because he wouldn't stop barking.  Wonderful!  I said I was sorry and that Jack wasn't a mean dog just liked to bark a lot.  I think I heard him say sorry as he walked away.  I will choose to believe that.   I have gone to the laundromat twice this week.  I am back to using cloth diapers.  I just can't see spending $30 a week on disposables, it doesn't make sense.  I am hoping to be 10 lbs lighter after running up and down these stairs all week long.

Curtis has been working in Wiscasset.  Today he is working on the house, and I have the glorious pleasure of assisting with loading up the truck for the 40th million time with gross, decaying, stinky stuff out of the house while the littles quietly play and get along in the backyard.  Hahahahahahaha!

Can you all sense my sarcasm.  Curtis reads this too so I'll be nice from here on out.

Curtis is building stairs and putting in a couple more posts as the beam we installed was bowing quite profusely.  He was a bit disappointed because the idea was to have an open concept first floor.  So we will have an open concept first floor with 3 posts.  Not a big deal and I actually like the posts.  It reminds me of an old barn.

We really are on the home stretch, it's just seems overwhelming still.

Better run and load up a truck!

1 comment:

Garry and Cynthia Barkman said...

My hat's off to you. You guys are doing a great job, and i can't wait to see the house photos when it's finished! Was Barbara able to stay at her same school? How are the kids teachers this year... so far... i know, it's only a couple of days! love you guys!