Friday, September 10, 2010

Stairway to Heaven.....Not

This picture was taken from the front of the house looking towards the back right.  We took the center stairs down and Curtis is constructing the new stairs.  You can see them in the back of this picture.  I like the way my camera captured all the dust flying around the room.  It rather encapsulates how I feel right now. A little foggy and hazy.

This has been a very trying week for me.  We had some struggles at the beginning of the week and are feeling like we are playing catch up again.   I am beginning to think that God really doesn't want us to be able to breathe a sigh of relief any time soon.   Anyways, enough complaining.

Renee had her 13th birthday yesterday - hard to believe.  We celebrated with good food and a pretty cake that Barbara made.  Curtis moved from his traditional roses to an orchid for the flower.  Renee had mentioned she liked orchids.  I think she liked her gifts.

1 comment:

The Smedshammers said...

Happy Birthday, Renee! Wow, 13're now officially a teenager! :) Anita, hang in there. It's not complaining to express your valid frustrations. The house is making remarkable progress, even though I know it doesn't always seem like it from your point of view. Know we love and support you guys and pray for you whenever we think of you (which is a lot). :)