Monday, October 22, 2007

10 days or sooner...

Well, if we don't have a baby by the 1st, I guess it will be next Thursday. (Nov 1st) Here are my name choices so far:
Girls' Names:- Kyria- Lily - Anaya - Sophie
Boys' Names:- Josiah, Elijah,
Unisex Names:- Aliah- Ariel- Jaden- Jadon
Right now we need prayer for health of the baby. There may be an issue with a kidney, something about a dialated kidney and get a sonogram after the baby is a week old. This week there will be another sonogram and non-stress test to make sure it's okay to stay inside another week.
I'm going to try and post from my phone tonight. Maybe the sonogram pictures... Hopefully I can figure it out so I can send a picture over the blog as soon as the new Roundy meets the world.....
I'm up for cool Bible names if anyone wants to put their two cents in, just no hurt feelings please.


JJR said...

Graciousness!! I lost track of this whole exciting news! WOW!! This week maybe!??

Names: my #1 vote--Anaya!!!! *love*
Bible names: Keziah, Ezra, Joash, Nehemiah (there are also a couple kiddos here on campus with even different bible names: Canaan, Elisha).

And Jaden--remember baby Roundy will have a cousin named Jada! ;) So I like that name! (it's on our list of middle names!! HA!)

Anyway! Awsome!!

The Roundy 7 said...

Anaya's Hebrew meaning is "God answers" , "God remembers" Thought that was cool. I remembered Jada today and couldn't figure out why Jaden sounded so familiar...