Monday, October 29, 2007

Winds of Change

Well, here we are again at a crossroads. I guess that I'll never be able to experience what it would be like to bring a baby home at a time when things were not in chaos. I guess what is , is.

Today marks another day of testing for the birthmom. An ultrasound and Non-stress test will be done hopefully all this morning. If all goes well today than they will induce on Thursday if she doesn't go into labor before that day. I think I'm ready but also a bit nervous.

Life continues, business as usual: clarinet lessons, cello lessons, possible basketball for Renee, did I mention Renee is part of the gifted and talented class at school. Renee likes to be very busy, she didn't get that from my side of the family........Justin's starting a discussion group at school for topics relevant for teen's today, the purpose is to bring it around to relationship with God. GO JUSTIN!!!

That's all for my ramblings.....

1 comment:

Tracy said...

Hey Roundys!
It sure has been a long time since I last saw you. Time hasn't stood still either and I see you're having lots of changes, as have I. Shelby sent me the link to your blog and I'm thankful to be able to see what's up with you and take part in praying for your future. How exciting!