Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Being Present

This morning Kiana and I sat on our front porch in the sun for a few minutes.  Our porch is a little dilapidated but functional.  The sun was nice and warm and the street was quiet for the most part.  My neighbor Bert stopped by to chat about his scooter.  He had a stroke a few years back and sat around for too long before going the hospital.  It is really quite unfortunate.  He seems like he was probably a crazy guy before his confinement to his jazzy scooter.   We talked about the weather and how warm it was, the fence that Curtis is fixing in the back yard and  how it doesn't look good (haha),  We talked about how is scooter isn't charging and that it's frustrating him.  He explained about the cord and what wasn't working with it.  He has been waiting for hours for the people to come and fix it.  You see he had an appointment with them.   I am usually nervous to talk with him, cuz he's disabled and all.   But today I was cornered, and it was okay.  I was present.  I was just there.   Bert can't speak.   As I am having this conversation with Bert, I can't help but think.... If his address was such and such Pond Rd instead of  such and such downtown lewiston apartment whatever would the scooter people have been there on time.  This is his only source of freedom.  He is a whole person confined to a finite broken body.  I like Bert, he's friendly.  God loves Bert.

Sunday night we had our little meeting here.  One of the neighbors came with her little girl.  We grilled hotdogs, the kids played and the adults talked.  We didn't do anything "spiritual" but I think that was okay.

This weekend we will have a houseful with Curtis' brother's family visiting for Justin's graduation.   I can't believe I have a kid graduating high school.  Tonight there is an awards banquet.  Not sure what Justin is getting but it is nice that he is being recognized.

So this week I want to practice being present.
Present for Justin's festivities
Present for our family that will be leaving soon for Senegal
Present for our neighbors
Present for our girls who are watching their brother starting to fly away

To me this means open, alert, attentive, listening, taking it in, feeling it deeply, allowing the emotions to rise, putting aside myself - it is about others.

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