Tuesday, September 10, 2013


"Verge"....that word has been running through my brain the last few weeks.  When I think of my life, that word sums it up.  I feel like I'm always on the verge of something.

Verge:  The point beyond which an action, state, or condition is likely to begin or occur; the brink.  As a family we are at any given point in our life almost at something.  I'm almost caught up with laundry, we are almost caught up on our bills, almost ready to start a project in our home, on the brink of completing another project, feeling like things are about to take off with ministry in our community.

Almost....on the verge.... at the brink.....but mostly we feel as though we are on the edge.   Which somedays makes us feel "on edge".

Last spring while we had our house guest plus two,  I spent so many hours on my face asking God to do these amazing things and He did.  When things got so bad that all I could do was find a quiet place to pour out my soul, He listened and answered, sometimes immediately.    In those moments I felt like I was not on the brink,  the verge.  I felt like I was there, I had somehow crossed the proverbial line. God had it and we were a team.  Also, in that moment comes this overwhelming feeling of closeness with God that I can only take for a short period and then I am back again to being on the edge once more.  Those feelings were gone almost as quickly as they were felt.  But, in any case, they were felt.  There is hope.   I can say that I have had moments when I didn't feel like I was just on the edge, I was really experiencing God's presence.  

So, I guess what I am trying to say in a not so eloquent manner is that even in the moments of everyday life feeling like we are stuck waiting, "being on the verge of something big" ,  we can still experience the move and flow of life, God's presence, God's time, and also God's answers, and realize we are really not stuck on the brink - we may just be walking a bit slower than we'd like.

A little video of Renee and Curtis experience what it's like to actually slide off the verge of a proverbial cliff while on a recent family trip.

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